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2025 Endurance Event License Standards

By Update

Dear Race Adjudicator,

We have updated the licence standards for road and multi-terrain races in Wales as attached. They are closely based on and aligned to the standards used in England. These will come into effect from 1st January but we are happy to take a lenient approach to any points that take affect at point of entry, allowing event providers to include them when the next edition of their event opens for entry. This is particularly true of standard 34 as below.

The main changes are;

34. Organisers must provide a list of medical conditions to their medical provider for use on race day. GDPR regulations must be followed. This allows for legitimate use of the data in connection with the race but must not be held by the medical provider beyond the date of the event.
This is in addition to the requirement for the medical template on the reverse of the bib number.

42. There is a change to UKA Rule T55 S5 in relation to headphones. This means the licence standard now requires that no headphones other than bone conducting headphones are permitted in any race where the route is shared with other users. This includes, but is not limited to, parks, seafront promenades, footpaths, bridleways, roads and open spaces. Routes fully closed to everyone except those competing may allow any type of headphones but is at organiser discretion.

Following some investigation and a conversation with the relevant person at UKA, unfortunately I think we will need to follow suit for both rules.

In relation to point 34, I’m sure most Event Adjudicators would agree that very few competitors are completing the medical return on the reverse of the number.

I appreciate that these two points may cause some issues for event providers and although we do have some discretion in Wales to adjust the licence standards, we have taken advise on these points and as they are now included in the UKA rule book (the medical point is included in appendix 4 Endurance Running, page 357), unfortunately we will need to enforce them in Wales.

Please take a look through the new standards and let me know if you do have any questions.

I wish you all a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year.


The Full Document may be found here:

2025 Senior Inter-Counties Mountain Race + 2025 British Mountain Running Championships

By Update

14 June 2025 at Pen Y Ghent, Horton, Ribblesdale, North Yorkshire, BD24 0HH

Further information on the event:

If you are interested in being a member of the East Wales team please contact Tom Meredith on

Depending on interest a trial race may be run – this will be clarified in due course.

Junior Intercounties information to come

East Wales Club Road Championships

By Update

 A few hardy souls from the East Wales region took part in the final race of EWCRRC 2024 at Elan Valley on Saturday. The results are below:

Top placers


1. Liz Richards (Caerleon RC) 1:18:06

2. Emma King (Lliswerry) 1:24:39

3. Emma Davies (Monross) 1:27:26


1. Lee Price (Builth) 1:08:17

2. Alex Lyne (Caldicot) 1:10:54

3. Simon Cawthorn (Lliswerry) 1:16:49

Top 3 teams (Ladies)

1. Builth

2. Caerleon

3. Lliswerry

Top 3 teams (Gents)

1. Lliswerry

2. Griffithstown

3. Caerleon

East Wales Regional Athletics Committee Meeting

By Update

16 October 2024 via Teams.


  1. Apologies,
  2. Conflict of Interest (new declarations)
  3. Actions from Previous Meeting
    1. Cost of Safeguarding courses
    1. Fell running licensing
    1. Mentoring programme to T & F Officials Committee
  4. Reports:
  5. Safeguarding (KH)
  6. Finance Report (KM)
  7. WA General Council (LH)
  8. Track & Field (JT)
    1. Inter-Regional T & F Championships 2024
  9. Cross Country/Road (DM/JB/SC)
    1. Cross Country Regional Champs 2024
    1. Cross Country Inter-regional Champs 2024
  10. Trail and Mountain (TM)
  11. East Wales Road Race Championships update (PA)
  12. Officials (BB)
  13. Website (CV)
  14. Any other Business

Inter-regional 10k Championships 2025

  • Suggestions for future meetings discussion points
    • Date of next meeting:  Wednesday 11th December
    • Dates of Future Meetings: tbc at next meeting after WA AGM

Please notify the chair and secretary if you wish to add any items for AOB by Friday 11th October 2024 and if you need the link to join the meeting.

2024 East Wales Cross Country Championships

By Update

2024 East Wales Cross Country Championships

This year’s championships will take place over the first two Gwent League meetings.

Senior & Masters Championships

12thOctober (Pembrey)

M65 Men who chose to run in the Senior race will not be eligible for the M65 championship

Junior Championships U11-U20

9thNovember (Cardiff)

East Wales Cross Country Championships entry

· All athletes with East Wales qualification will be entered automatically. Qualification for East Wales is via birth, 9-month residence, or retention. In principle, all athletes of East Wales clubs will be included in East Wales results.

· No pre-entry or on the day registration. However, you may email Darryn McAtee if you wish to highlight any athletes who you think might otherwise be omitted from the results.

· Results will be produced following publication of the Gwent League results. Medals will be awarded after this, at the next available opportunity.

· Email queries to Darryn McAtee (

Entry fees

Clubs will be invoiced post-race.

Awards & team composition

· Medals for individual & team 1st/2nd/3rd in each age category – juniors, seniors, masters. Masters will be included in Senior results, and also in their respective age category.

· Team composition – Senior Men & Women 4 per team – all other age categories 3 per team.

Selection for Welsh Inter Regional Championships

· Fixture date 16th November (Newtown).

· 15 athletes selected per team.

· Seniors/Masters – first 6 in each age category in East Wales Championships selected automatically. Further athletes selected on the basis of East Wales Championships and previous cross-country, road & track performance. For the V65 teams it’s the first 2 finishers at Pembrey that get auto qualifying for the IRs (not 6, as the IR team is only max of 5)

· Juniors – selected on the basis of form over the past 12 months over cross-country, road & track, with particular attention paid to the first Gwent League fixture.

Darryn McAtee

Inter-Regional Championships

By Update

Deeside 8 June 2024

East Wales RAC athletes achieved 19 PBs, and gained 11 gold medals, 15 silver medals and 19 bronze medals.

*Female overall 196 3rd

*Male overall 190 3rd

*Combined overall 3rd

Congratulations to Harry Bradley on his U20 CBP in the 400mh taking Dai Greene’s record 

A huge thank you to all our amazing athletes who travelled to North Wales and to our wonderful officials and team managers who supported our team throughout the day.

East Wales finished third. Here’s a selection of photos we’ve been sent or have taken from the following website:

WA &WFRA South Wales Fell & Mountain RDP 12.15-3.15pm on Sunday 7th July. 

By Update

Organiser: Pete Ryder and Tom Meredith 

Location: Llanfoist Village Hall and the Blorenge, Abergavenny (meet 12.15 Llanfoist Village Hall, Church Lane, Abergavenny NP7 9LP, \\\worry.crumb.activates)

Age groups: u15-u20 (Fell & mountain categories, i.e. birth years 2005-2011)

The link to register for the session is on the following link, please fill in by Sunday 30th June:

This is the day after the WFRA South Wales Junior Series counter at Pen y Fan, which will be held on Saturday 6th July, starting a 15 minute walk from Cwm Llwch car park (SO 006 245) near Brecon. – it’s an open race, all welcome, you don’t have to be WFRA members to race.

The Blorenge is an accessible mountain, with great transport links.  It is accessible from its base at Llanfoist, or from the top at either the Foxhunters or the Keeper’s Pond car parks.   It is owned by the South East Wales Hang Gliding and Paragliding club who are keen for the hill to be used for outdoor activities such as running.  There is a classic fell race for seniors in November each year from the start of our RDP route.  It is a great area to look at a range of up and downhill skills with varied terrain. The focus will be on techniques and drills that runners can take away and incorporate into their training, rather than having a hard session, as many will have raced the day before. We’ll also talk about representative opportunities in Fell and Mountain running.

Many thanks


Steve Mitchell National Talent Development Coordinator – Endurance Address: Cardiff International Sports Campus, Leckwith, Cardiff, CF11 8AZ Website:

Llanfrynach 3-4-5 road race series

By Update

Race Details
 Tuesday Night Races
 Undulating Rural Course
Race Date – Entries Close
3 Mile 7th May – 5th May
4 Mile 21st May – 19 th May
5 Mile 4th June – 2nd June
Race start 7.15
Fun Run 6.45
Race Headquarters:
Llanfrynach Village Hall LD3 7AZ
Generous Prizes
Collect race numbers and timing wristband on the night

Entry Fees

Affiliated Club Members / Non-Affiliated – Brecon AC Members

3 miles £9 £11 £7
4 miles £10 £12 £7
5 miles £10 £12 £8
For all three – £22 £26 £19

More Race Info at
Race t-shirts can be ordered with Entry

2024 East Wales Road Race Championships

By Update

The first event in the 2024 championships got off to a good start at the Admiral City of Newport Half Marathon, with 272 East Wales athletes taking part, exactly the same number as in 2023!

In the female competition the top three were:

1. Emma Wookey (Lliswerry)

2. Antoinette Dumayne (Lliswerry)

3. Lowenna Taylor (Caerleon)

In the male competition the top three were:

1. Harry Davies (Newport Harriers)

2. Michael Lewis (PBB)

3. Lee Drew (Lliswerry)

View all the results on our Results Page