2022 – 2023 Development Plan for East Wales Regional Athletics

East Wales Regional Athletics Council – Development Plan 2022


Area of Focus:
Action / Objectives: Outcomes / Impact / Targets: Lead Officer: Dates:  Costs: WA Strategy RAG Status:  Progress to Date
Profile of EWRAC: Clubs

To further raise the profile of East Wales as a region within all East Wales clubs, promoting the health and well-being benefits of athletics

·         Update and produce flyers and business cards for distribution to clubs within the region. Flyers outline positive aspects for clubs being active members of the region.

·         All clubs are aware of the existence of and roles and responsibilities of the region.

·         Increase the number of clubs attending and engaging in regional meetings and activities.

·         Share good practice across the region

·         Highlight Regional website and social media platforms

·         Highlight health and well-being benefits of athletics

Club Development Manager

Regional Officers

Communication Officer


April 2022 Resources: £360.00

Total: £360.00

Unite a community where everyone is valued and supported within our sport

Monitoring specific supporting demographics to help increase membership diversity in all areas of the sport

Own It ensure that everyone has the opportunity to participate and achieve

Increasing total opportunities to participate in each region of Wales

Champion the health & wellbeing benefits of our sport at all levels

Inspire a Nation of Champions who inspire the next generation

Increase number of social media followers



Pathway Options Presentation

To ensure that athletes are aware of the potential avenues moving forward in their development

·         TALS/TASS accredited individual to deliver a talk to those potentially looking at higher education and how they can combine athletics and education

·         Ensure athletes are aware of the opportunities and encourage long term participation as well as LTAD.

·         Increase the “lifespan” of a regional athlete

Club Development Manager

Regional Officers



Feb 2022


Jan 2023

Speaker: TBC no more than £200

Total: £200

Unite a community where everyone is valued and supported within our sport

Providing all athletes with the same opportunities to develop and progress

Engage Young People prepare everyone for a life-long enjoyment of Sport.

Encourage more athletes into higher education and a longer engagement in the sport

Inspire a Nation of Champions who inspire the next generation

More athletes into performance environments creating better athletes long term

Anti-Doping Presentation:

To encourage all athletes to follow all anti-doping rules and ensure athletes are aware of the risks and potential hazards and repercussions of doping.

·         Educate young athletes on the UKAD and WADA regulations

·         Long term awareness of the rules and punishments

·         Create a clean sport for all

Club Development Manager

Regional Officers


Feb 2022


Jan 2023



Own It ensure that everyone has the opportunity to participate and achieve.

Create positive environments for all to engage and participate.

Champion the health & wellbeing benefits of our sport at all levels

Lead the Way be a respected, trusted, ambitious sector leading organisation.

Educating athletes at a young age, leading the way in the dangers of doping

Endurance Development Days:

To develop regional endurance teams

·         Two development days set up.

·         East Wales athletes and those on the cusp of representing East Wales to development days

·         East Wales athletes motivated to progress on athlete’s pathway.



June 2022

Sept 2022


Total costs £1000


Unite a community where everyone is valued and supported within our sport

Invest in athlete and coach development structures

Bring new people from all backgrounds into our athletics family

Engage Young People prepare everyone for a life-long enjoyment of Sport.

Numbers of young athletes taking up free running opportunities across Wales

Track & Field Regional Development Days:

To extend regional development days to encompass all T & F events

·         Junior Track & Field development days introduced for sprints, hurdles, middle-distance events, jumps and throws

·         Increase the number of athletes attending T & F development days

·         East Wales athletes motivated to progress on athlete’s pathway.

Club Development Manager

Regional Officers


March 2022-

Sept 2022


Total costs £1000


Unite a community where everyone is valued and supported within our sport

Invest in athlete and coach development structures

Engage Young People prepare everyone for a life-long enjoyment of Sport.

Numbers of young athletes taking up free running opportunities across Wales

Track & Field Regional Development Days:

To introduce taster development days for officials to engage parents and supporters to become T & F officials

·         Track & Field development days introduced for officials

·         Participants have the opportunity to judge competition during pm session

·         Increase the number of people attending L1 T & F officials training

Club Development Manager

Regional Officers


March 2022-

Sept 2022


Total costs £1000


Unite a community where everyone is valued and supported within our sport

Recruit & support officials to remain active

Bring new people from all backgrounds into our athletics family

Lead the Way be a respected, trusted, ambitious sector leading organisation.

Demonstrate our commitment to equality & diversity

Officials Recruitment Drive:

Increase the number of officials supporting the Regional Athletics Championships

·         Deliver 3 level 1 Officials Courses at 3 venues across the region. Target of 25 attendees across all courses delivered. East T & F Official’s Secretary

WA officials and volunteers’ officer


Feb 2022-

May 2022

Venue £150.00

Tutor Fees: £150.00

Resources: £250.00

Total: £550.00

Unite a community where everyone is valued and supported within our sport

Recruit & support officials to remain active

Recognise and value the contribution made by active volunteers

Bring new people from all backgrounds into our athletics family

Lead the Way be a respected, trusted, ambitious sector leading organisation.

Demonstrate our commitment to equality & diversity

Officials Recruitment Drive:

Increase the number of endurance officials supporting the Regional Championships

·         Deliver 3 level 1 Officials Courses at 3 venues across the region. Target of 10 attendees across all courses delivered. WA officials and volunteers’ officer

East Wales Endurance official’s secretary



April 2022

Sept 2022

Venue £150.00

Tutor Fees: £150.00

Resources: £250.00

Total: £550.00

Unite a community where everyone is valued and supported within our sport

Recruit & support officials to remain active

Recognise and value the contribution made by active volunteers

Bring new people from all backgrounds into our athletics family

Lead the Way be a respected, trusted, ambitious sector leading organisation.

Demonstrate our commitment to equality & diversity

Trail and Mountain Development Days:

To develop and raise awareness for East Wales teams in fell and trail

Approach schools to test for interest in trail and fell for Juniors (under 16)

·         Two days of technique and hill skills

·         If enough Junior interest an extra day for specific juniors

·         Develop strong East Wales teams

·         Give East Wales athletes a clear pathway for ambition and ultimately success

Regional Trail & Mountain representatives March 2022-

Aug 2022


Total costs £1000


Unite a community where everyone is valued and supported within our sport

Invest in athlete and coach development structures

Engage Young People prepare everyone for a life-long enjoyment of Sport.

Numbers of young athletes taking up free running opportunities across Wales

Lead the Way be a respected, trusted, ambitious sector leading organisation.

Demonstrate our commitment to equality & diversity

East Wales Clubs Road Race Championship:

To encourage team competition and increase participation

·         Increase the number of divisions

·         Decrease the number of athletes per team to score to 6 for each team

·         Team categories identified for 2022

·         Club Team category; all runners irrespective of gender; i.e. a team can be all male, or all female or any mix of male & female runners.

·         Club Female Team category; female runners only.

·         An Awards Ceremony will be arranged after the last Championship event.

·         Trophies will be awarded for the first three teams in Male, Female and Mixed Team.

Martyn Jenkins

Jeanette Jenkins

March 2022 Dec 2022 Total costs £300


Unite a community where everyone is valued and supported within our sport

Recruit & support officials to remain active

Lead the Way be a respected, trusted, ambitious sector leading organisation.

Demonstrate our commitment to equality & diversity


Technology to Enhance Performance:

To purchase equipment that ensures athletes performances are correctly recorded in results and disseminated to Po10, thus improving athletes experience.


·         Purchase 2 wind gauges.

·         Officials trained to used wind gauges

·         Wind gauges used at as many T & F meeting as possible to ensure athletes times/ distances meet Po10 performance criteria.

·         Increase number of athletes ranked on Po10

EW Equipment Officer


April 2022 Total Cost £1000 Unite a community where everyone is valued and supported within our sport

Lead the Way be a respected, trusted, ambitious sector leading organisation.

Recruit & support officials to remain active

Innovate provide a vibrant club community culture of continuous Improvement.

Continue to invest in modern infrastructure to reduce administration demands for clubs and improve athlete experience

Profile of EWRAC: Athletes

To raise the profile of East Wales as a region within all clubs so that all athletes are aware of the existence of the region and opportunities to represent East Wales in competitions.

·         Advise all clubs in region of date of all Regional Championships.

·         Increase number of athletes competing in all Regional Championships.

·         More athletes want to compete and gain a regional vest.

·         Regional Winners receive reduced entry cost to future championships.

EWRAC Secretary

Communication Officer


Team Managers

Feb 2022- Dec 2022


Total £1000


Engage Young People prepare everyone for a life-long enjoyment of Sport.

Numbers of young athletes taking up free running opportunities across Wales

Increased participation levels within Junior Athletics competitions across all parts of Wales

Lead the Way be a respected, trusted, ambitious sector leading organisation.

Demonstrate our commitment to equality & diversity

Participation and Performance:

To promote the competition pathway for young athletes and sustain and increase participation and performance levels in our sport


·         U17/U20 athletes eligible for EW YDL UAG Team identified and invited to be considered for team selection.

·         Provide competition opportunities for U17/U20 athletes beyond local area

·         Increase number of East Wales athletes ranked on Po10.

·         Liaise with clubs and schools within the region to target under-represented groups

·         Promote T & F licensed competition for junior athletes

·         Promote licensed endurance events for junior athletes

Team Managers

EW regional coordinator for endurance

April 2022-

Aug 2022


Total costs £600


Unite a community where everyone is valued and supported within our sport

Improve retention rates across the sport – in particular between junior age groups, Engage Young People prepare everyone for a life-long enjoyment of Sport.

Numbers of young athletes taking up free running opportunities across Wales

Increased participation levels within Junior Athletics competitions across all parts of Wales

Own It ensure that everyone has the opportunity to participate and achieve.

Develop the competition pathway to support long term athlete development and retention.

Collaborate with partners to ensure everyone, everywhere has access to relevant competition opportunities.

 Increasing total opportunities to participate in each region of Wales

To increase the number of athletes engaging with licensed competitions across Wales, specifically targeting under-represented group

Lead the Way be a respected, trusted, ambitious sector leading organisation.

Demonstrate our commitment to equality & diversity

Recognise Excellence

To promote regional and Welsh Athletics awards schemes.

·         Encourage clubs within the region to nominate officials; including non-technical; and volunteers for both regional and Welsh Athletics annual awards

·         Adapt WA nomination forms for regional use.

·         Region to nominate officials and volunteers for both regional and Welsh Athletics annual awards based on information from clubs.

·         Purchase awards for East Wales officials and volunteers nominated.

Regional Officers

WA officials and volunteers’ officer

Club Development Manager

Communication Officer


Throughout year Awards


Unite a community where everyone is valued and supported within our sport

Recognise and value the contribution made by active volunteers

Social Media

To promote athletics within East Wales Region via website and social media

·         East Wales website and social media details communicated to clubs, officials and athletes via flyers etc.

·         Website updated with posts from the East Wales athletics community

·         Relevant information posted on regional social media platforms

Communication Officer


ongoing £200 Inspire a Nation of Champions who inspire the next generation

Increase number of social media followers


To improve communication within the region.

·         Produce survey to ascertain feedback from clubs regarding regional activity

·         Produce survey to ascertain athlete’s and official’s feedback in respect of regional and inter-regional competition

Regional Officers

Communication Officer


Feb 2022-Dec 2022 £100 Inspire a Nation of Champions who inspire the next generation

Improved Athlete and visitor feedback at competitions and event

Inter-regional Championships:

To provide subsidised transport to IR champs

·         Transport to IR events, across all disciplines provided for athletes as and when required. Team Managers Feb 2022

December 2023


Total costs £1500


Own It ensure that everyone has the opportunity to participate and achieve.

Develop the competition pathway to support long term athlete development and retention.

Collaborate with partners to ensure everyone, everywhere has access to relevant competition opportunities.

 Increasing total opportunities to participate in each region of Wales

Inspire a Nation of Champions who inspire the next generation

Ensure East Wales is represented at every Inter-regional Championship




2019-2020 Development Plan for East Wales Regional Athletics

Area of Focus:
Action / Objectives: Outcomes / Impact / Targets:
Profile of EWRAC: Clubs

To raise the profile of East Wales as a region within all East Wales clubs.

·         Produce flyers for distribution to clubs within the region. Flyers outline positive aspects for clubs being active members of the region.

·         All clubs are aware of the existence of and roles and responsibilities of the region.

·         Increase the number of clubs attending and engaging in regional meetings and activities.

Profile of EWRAC: Athletes

To raise the profile of East Wales as a region within all clubs so that all athletes are aware of the existence of the region and opportunities to represent East Wales in competitions.

·         Advise all clubs in region of date of all Regional Championships.

·         Increase number of athletes competing in all Regional Championships.

·         More athletes want to compete and gain a regional vest.

·         Regional Winners receive regional vest @ reduced cost

Web Site:

Communication channels expanded; including social media – East Wales posts


·         Advertise criteria, closing dates etc. for entering all Regional Championships and inter-regional events on Website and Regional Social media.

·         Dates of all regional activities; including meetings, championships and inter-regional events published on website

Area of Focus:  
Action / Objectives: Outcomes / Impact / Targets:
Endurance Development Days:

To develop regional endurance teams

·         Two development days set up.

·         East Wales athletes and those on the cusp of representing East Wales to development days

·         East Wales athletes motivated to progress on athlete’s pathway.

Track & Field Regional Development Days:

To extend regional development days to encompass all T & F events

·         Junior Track & Field development days introduced for sprints, hurdles and middle-distance events.

·         Increase the number of athletes attending T & F development days

·         East Wales athletes motivated to progress on athlete’s pathway.

Track & Field Regional Development Days:

To introduce taster development days for officials to engage parents and supporters to become T & F officials

·         Track & Field development days introduced for officials

·         Participants have the opportunity to judge competition during pm session

·         Increase the number of people attending L1 T & F officials training

Participation and Performance:

To sustain and increase participation and performance levels in our sport


·         U17/U20 athletes eligible for EW YDL UAG Team identified and invited to be considered for team selection.

·         Provide competition opportunities for U17/U20 athletes beyond local area

·         YDL UAG(U17/U20) regional team supported by providing transport to venues as and when required.

·         Increase number of East Wales athletes ranked on Po10.


Area of Focus:
Action / Objectives: Outcomes / Impact / Targets:
Officials Recruitment Drive:

Increase the number of officials supporting the Regional Athletics Championships

·         Deliver 3 level 1 Officials Courses at 3 venues across the region. Target of 25 attendees across all courses delivered.
Officials Recruitment Drive:

Increase the number of endurance officials supporting the Regional Championships

·         Deliver 3 level 1 Officials Courses at 3 venues across the region. Target of 10 attendees across all courses delivered.
Trail and Mountain Development Days:

To develop and raise awareness for East Wales teams in fell and trail

Approach schools to test for interest in trail and fell for Juniors (under 16)


·         Two days of technique and hill skills

·         If enough Junior interest an extra day for specific juniors

·         Develop strong East Wales teams

·         Give East Wales athletes a clear pathway for ambition and ultimately success


Inter-regional Championships:

To provide transport to IR champs

·         Transport to IR events, across all disciplines provided for athletes as and when required.


Area of Focus:
Action / Objectives: ·         Outcomes / Impact / Targets:
East Wales Clubs Road Race Championship:

To encourage team competition and increase participation

·         Increase the number of divisions

·         Decrease the number of athletes per team to score to 6 for each team

·         Team categories identified for 2019

o   Club Team category; all runners irrespective of gender; i.e. a team can be all male, or all female or any mix of male & female runners.

o   Club Female Team category; female runners only.

·         An Awards Ceremony will be arranged after the last Championship event.

·         Trophies will be awarded for the first three teams in Male, Female and Mixed Team.

Technology to Enhance Performance:

To purchase equipment that ensures athletes performances are correctly recorded in results and disseminated to Po10.


·         Purchase 2 wind gauges.

·         Officials trained to used wind gauges

·         Wind gauges used at as many T & F meeting as possible to ensure athletes times/ distances meet Po10 performance criteria.

·         Increase number of athletes ranked on Po10